For simplicity, some calculations involving inflation in the early universe can be performed in de Sitter space rather than a more realistic inflationary universe.
We don't know how many bubbles of inflationary universes might have seeded in some sort of over-arching background called a "false vacuum."
The inflationary universe owes a great deal to the observations started by Hubble.
Any universe that could contain all the planned Guggenheims, not to mention the actual ones, would be a wildly inflationary universe.
The essential starting point for his current line of investigation, Dr. Guth says, is his "invention" of the inflationary universe.
On the basis of this scenario, Linde proposed a model of a self-reproducing inflationary universe consisting of different parts.
I was then asked to give a seminar on the inflationary universe at Drexel University in Philadelphia.
I gave the same seminar about the problems of the inflationary universe, just as in Moscow.
There will be fluctuations in the density of an inflationary universe.
Indeed, the fact that we have evidence for an inflationary universe is an important support to string cosmology.