Threats of protectionism are meant not to inflict injury but to open markets for American goods.
What do we tell them about this war that their country inflicted on them for no good reason whatsoever?
The Austrians inflicted 1,800 casualties on their enemies for a loss of about 1,300 men.
Rajani believed that God inflicted the pain upon him for the purification of his soul.
These women disciplined the children by inflicting severe beatings for the most trivial reasons or no reason at all.
She would inflict strong punishment for a moral slip, whether legal or not.
And of the punishment she would inflict for the transgression.
She could hardly inflict corporal punishment for a reasonable demand.
Enraged, the teacher inflicted 25 cane strokes on him for defiance.
They said the family's decision could inflict prolonged suffering for all involved.