Balzac influenced the writers of his time and beyond.
Robinson influenced the outcome far beyond his score.
The attacker was further unable to influence the fighting beyond the immediate battlefield, due to the limited range, speed and reliability in existing weapons.
And what he came to enjoy most about the job was influencing events beyond the newsroom.
This was a strong model which was to influence industrial relations beyond the UK.
These associations are not shy about influencing decisions beyond their secured boundaries.
Once again, Pasadena is approaching a moment in our mission that may influence American history beyond anything you can imagine.
In other cases the appearance of the structure may take on greater importance and so influence the design decisions beyond mere matters of economics.
But it is also designed, the governors say, to influence and set domestic policy beyond the 1988 Presidential election.
The book influenced the reception of popular scientific literature in parts of the world beyond the United States.