The lighting and furniture likewise influence study and learning.
Genes that influence learning, memory and vulnerability to cancer have been identified with the help of these "knock-out" mice.
When, instead, conventional analyses compare the same grade from year to year, they must account for different home advantages that influence learning.
It can be generalized as: "The most important single factor influencing learning is the active engagement of the learner with the material.
Research also shows that expectations heavily influence learning and performance.
Parents and teachers have countless chances to influence children's development and learning.
He used these relatively meaningless words so that prior associations between meaningful words would not influence learning.
For tasks about which multiple sources of augmented information can be provided, the schedule of presenting the information will influence learning.
The years before a child reaches kindergarten are among the most critical in his or her life to influence learning.
The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows.