The great challenge for Afghanistan's security forces is to prevent insurgents from influencing young men like Wazirwal.
Primarily because important men control the fate of the world and I like to feel that in my small way I influence such men.
Some female Kree can physically influence men, and a few can even drain the life force of others.
Research suggests that gender stereotypes may be the driving force behind occupational segregation because they influence men and women's educational and career decisions.
His solution was to place controls on women to limit their ability to influence men.
"You want to make something of yourself, if you're going to influence men."
The Dark seeks by its dark nature to influence men so that in the end, through them, it may control the earth.
It seemed to Grosvenor that he was learning slowly but surely how to influence men.
It was argued that Lee's criticism might influence young black men to stop enlisting in the then-segregated armed forces.
All his gifts were made available for influencing other men by his easy command of a style rarely matched in dignity and color.