Both positive moods and the act of telling the story can influence the narrator's relationship with the listener - and lead to more intimate sharing by the narrator.
Von Schimmelmann's favorable position with Struensee influenced his relationship with former statesmen like Bernstorff once they came back into power.
It is not entirely apparent how this influences their relationship.
Even though Momo stays for a short period, she influences their unconscious triangular relationship and strengthens their bonds.
Reserves are also important to Shell because they can influence the company's relationship with the country where the oil and gas are found.
Harriet also makes a critical decision at this point: not to let Eugene influence her relationship with Bill anymore.
Eventually, strange emotions start influencing their relationship.
Retrograde planets influence the primary structure of the human consciousness and its relationship with human life.
This is not to influence Mexico's relationship with the United States.
Many factors influenced my relationship with La Paz, including the fact that I speak Spanish.