The coalition has persuaded a broad range of nonprofit groups to join its efforts to influence regulators and politicians of both parties.
His analyses are said to have influenced British regulators to suspend the drug last October.
But when suborning conflicts of interest fails to do the trick, one US manufacturer, Monsanto Company, turns to more proactive means of influencing regulators.
It is common in Washington for companies to use money and lobbying to try to influence regulators, lawmakers and the White House.
The immediate criticism may keep the study from doing what oil company representatives said was its primary objective: to influence legislators and regulators in setting air emissions standards.
Based in Washington, DC, it seeks to influence regulators and lawmakers about small-town government operations, and the impact of federal regulations on them.
Republican of Arizona are under an investigation by the Senate Ethics Committee to determine whether they tried to influence regulators in return for contributions from Mr. Keating.
The memorandum raised questions as to whether Mr. Keating's efforts to enlist the help of the Senators were instrumental in influencing Federal regulators on Lincoln's behalf.
They twist the arms of politicians and learn how to influence regulators.
The main risk of using private contractors is that they could marshal their resources to influence regulators.