This position offered no official powers or responsibilities but was nevertheless significant as senior professionals influenced tactics, strategy and morale.
Dr. Francine Schlosser Associate Professor Francine Schlosser (management, factors that influence strategy, entrepreneurship, the adoption of technology)
There are two primary factors influencing strategy.
Deeply embedded in the local population and the majority of the labour leadership, it influenced political strategy on all important issues (see Bush 1984 for most of the next two paragraphs).
The ethical questions surrounding Mr. Clinton have clearly influenced strategy in California, Maryland, South Carolina and Georgia, where candidates have been prompted to emphasize character.
The Justice Department and other agencies have started doling out awards in recent weeks to political appointees, who typically earn $115,000 to $140,000 and often play a vital, behind-the-scenes role in influencing policy and strategy.
Some critics of these efforts say there are long-term implications for Washington, where the lobbyists are influencing economic and trade strategy.
There, surely, is one small example of how rational global thinking to frame intravenous drug use as a public health and not a moral issue might influence local strategy.
'Theory X is not a straw man for purposes of demolition, but is in fact a theory which materially influences managerial strategy in a wide sector of American industry today.'
His long-range penetration techniques influenced military strategy and tactics.