These polymorphisms have been valuable as genomic signposts, or "markers," in the search for common variants that influence susceptibility to common diseases.
In the discussion of the social factors that influence susceptibility I have used as a teaching aid a map you published on Feb. 1, 1981.
Perhaps limited alginate production under our experimental conditions explains its failure to influence susceptibility to PG-1.
Ecogenetics is the branch of genetics that studies how (inherited or acquired) genetic factors influence human susceptibility to environmental health risks.
Race: It may influence susceptibility to herpes zoster.
Investigating genetic and dietary factors that have major roles in influencing susceptibility to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity.
Diet and lifestyle are major factors thought to influence susceptibility to many diseases.
Hypoxia has been recently described as one of the most important of the external factors that influence susceptibility, although studies have been mainly epidemiological.
Studies have shown that genotype at these loci may influence susceptibility to the toxic effects of benzene exposure.
The genetic change affects basic body metabolism and may influence susceptibility to disease and to the risks of the calorie-laden modern diet.