Many of Sorabji's later educational and career decisions would be heavily influenced by her mother.
She was greatly influenced by her mother, an organist and composer who died in 1982.
At the age of eight, influenced by her mother, she performed her first stage show.
His interest in music was initially influenced by his mother, a singer.
She developed a vivid interest in dancing at a very young age, influenced by her mother, Brenda.
Miriam doesn't want to believe this but, like Paul, she's deeply influenced by her mother.
"I was deeply influenced by my mother, who took the family out traveling on the weekends," he said.
Do you know, when people asked if Agnes was influenced by my own mother, I used to answer "no" and let me explain why.
She was influenced by her mother who read to her all the time.
He was influenced by his mother, also a stage performer.