He was a talented and influential clergyman and Puritan who had fled his Hingham, Norfolk, England, church after the crackdown by Archbishop Laud.
A number of influential clergymen have spoken publicly against getting involved in a war.
He was considered one of the most important and influential Episcopal clergyman in the City.
He was one of the most prominent and influential clergymen associated with the witch trials, and is most noted as having initially supported the trials, and then changing his mind, publishing a critique of them.
Charles M. Kavanagh, once one of the most influential clergymen in the archdiocese.
He entered the church reluctantly as a way of earning a living, yet he quickly became an ambitious and influential clergyman.
Next to Jonathan Edwards, his great opponent, Chauncy was probably the most influential clergyman of his time in New England.
Meanwhile, The Level was granted to the town by its landowners, who included influential local clergyman, politician, property speculator and Lord of the Manor Thomas Read Kemp.
He was a talented and influential clergyman, and was a founder of the town of Hingham, Massachusetts.
Due to his centralist ruling, he had to endure the political opposition of several noble families and influential clergymen.