The sheer number of free agents, far more numerous than trade union membership, will make them an influential, independent element in national politics.
One of the more influential elements of Augustine's writings is his argument that God created the world all at once.
After emerging in the early 1960s, the "inherence account" attracted numerous proponents and became an influential element of contemporary Berkeley scholarship.
Since the creation of Afghanistan, they constitute an important and politically influential element of society.
For Nkrumah it was more than a nuisance because influential elements in Ghana were acutely sensitive to British comment.
During the 1938 Constituent Assembly, the Independent Socialists were an influential element of the leftist political grouping.
For that reason, Christian refugees from Al-Andalus were always welcomed in the north, where their descendants came to form an influential element.
However, they remained as very influential elements in the political and economic life of a new democratic society.
But one Federal reconnaissance expert, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said he sensed that influential elements of the bureaucracy were leaning toward approval.
Qanungoh Shaikhs even today remain influential and amongst most literate elements of Pakistani society.