In 1997, Mr. Volgin was the youngest person to be placed on Global Finances list of the 600 most influential financiers in the world.
The Goldsmids were influential financiers who maintained their friendship with Braham later in his career and also used him as entertainment at their soirées.
It is similar to the term Masters of the Universe attributed to influential financiers on Wall Street.
Eccentric Arthur Loveday decides to do his bit for world peace by having influential financiers assassinated.
Combining Western financial expertise with Russian political and economic power, two of the nation's most influential financiers have joined forces to establish Russia's largest investment bank.
Almost at the same time, another influential financier, the Ducs Decazes, informed that the Bordeaux group was prepared to support the project.
During the First World War, became one of the richest and most influential financiers in Central Europe.
One of the murdered men was John Hendrix, wealthy and influential financier.
It quickly became an important meeting place for influential financiers.
He is the head of the London Stock Exchange and, like his colleague Jonathan Stonagal, is a highly influential financier.