Following these principles, Varian has produced some of the most influential Arabian stallions in the breed.
Roberto also proved to be a highly successful and influential stallion.
He later became one of the most influential stallions of recent times.
He was sired by Birdcatcher, a successful Irish racehorse who became an important and influential stallion.
Silver Lace was to become one of the most influential stallions of the American Cream breed.
His sire Phalaris was an outstanding sprinter who went on to become the most influential stallion of the 20th Century.
Another influential stallion was Urus, who also contained Norman blood.
He went on to become a highly successful and influential stallion.
Quiz was sired by Buzzard, a successful racehorse who became an influential stallion.
Brentano II is an influential stallion who has sired several dressage horses.