The next day, she informs Jack and Adam of the possibility of an impact and calls them in.
Ianto informs Jack that there are strange weather patterns in the area.
Victoria discovers the truth about their affair and informs Jack.
Frith informs Jack that if it does not work, she will sacrifice his sister to the goddess the following day.
Luan informed Jack that after the war, she gave birth to their son, Keemo.
It was quite a shock when the lawyers informed Jack that his father had left the whole shooting match to his one and only son.
He also informed Jack that what the tribe fought for was not land, the owning of which was an absurd idea, nor any distant king.
Professor Graham returns from a mission into Turkey and hastily informs Jack about what has happened.
When she informs Jack, he walks out on her.
Though he informs Jack that it was a one-time incident, they develop a sexual and emotional relationship.