Antibiotic sensitivities are then assessed on the bacterial isolate to inform clinicians on appropriate antibiotics for treatment.
QC PathFinder also automatically generates clinically validated institutional antibiograms that inform clinicians on appropriate antimicrobial choices for pathogens within their hospital.
It is intended as a resource to inform and assist clinicians who care for cancer patients.
The FDA has required changes to the labeling to inform users and clinicians of the issue.
The different learning modules will inform clinicians on how to handle these situations in order to assist children and create healthy lifestyle plans that will fit the child.
These data can serve several different purposes, including informing clinicians of conditions that are prevalent in their communities, providing detailed and timely information to health plans that need to allocate scarce resources, and to public health programs to allow early recognition and response to changing disease patterns.
ACP's goal is to provide clinicians with recommendations based on the best available evidence; to inform clinicians of when there is no evidence; and to help clinicians deliver the best health care possible.
"While we and F.D.A. consider these findings of sufficient significance to justify informing clinicians," wrote Dr. Joyce Moscaritola, vice president of the company, "we both continue to believe Ritalin is a safe and effective drug."
The task for researchers is to address these questions to inform clinicians about what treatment plan is appropriate in the individual case.