These tools can be used individually and in an integrative way to inform decision-making, research, and awareness.
This journalism, Gore said, "has consequences" and he argued that "our democracy is much better when there are diverse viewpoints" to inform decision-making.
Entitled "Fulfilling the Promise," the document is based on four guiding principles that will inform decision-making at the institution for the next five years.
However, monitoring has been discontinued when projects have finished, and little of this information has been used to inform decision-making.
HIA is intended to produce a set of evidence-based recommendations to inform decision-making .
The event embraces the concept of 'open innovation' to improve performance, inform decision-making, encourage entrepreneurship, and solve problems more effectively.
This includes topics such as open education, collaboration in online communities, education technology, education policy, social learning, and the use of data to inform educational decision-making.
"This has the potential to result in a new kind of digital divide: a divide in data-based intelligence to inform decision-making."
We inform decision-making at all levels and provide information that is official and independent.
Lessons learned from these pilot projects have informed final decision-making for the national effort.