Police were waiting to inform relatives last night before naming the 20-year-old man who died.
Measures can be initiated automatically, for example by notifying the clinician and informing relatives.
Having left East Africa, quite often without a chance to inform friends and relatives, many community members had lost contact with those they knew.
Dyfed Powys police are also investigating as well as informing relatives of the victims.
In a conspiracy of silence, migrants refrain from fully informing relatives of the harsh realities of their everyday lives.
Inform friends, relatives and schools to ensure early inspection and treatment of ALL contacts.
One does not have the right for one phonecall: the police officer leading the investigation may inform relatives or similar if the investigation permits.
Opportunity to inform relatives about the likelihood that they have the family mutation and about the availability of genetic testing, cancer risk assessment, and management services.
Inform and support relatives as appropriate.
The new law also made the National Transportation Safety Board responsible for informing relatives of progress in accident investigations.