Empire has also informed subscribers it will discontinue their WrapAround Plus contract Sept. 1 and will transfer them to the Empire BlueChoice Preferred Provider Organization.
Wade informed subscribers that the July 2011 issue was the last, and claimed that while "sales [were] excellent (...) advertising revenues (...) and the rising costs of doing business in France" prevented the publication from being a "viable proposition".
The group maintains a website, a mailing list (informing subscribers of area literary events) which can be joined via the website, and a Blog.
The publication's main purpose is to inform subscribers and members of the wildland fire community in a quick and easy-to-digest format.
The transparency principle states that ISPs must inform subscribers about their network management practices.
They are coincidentally right next to the two KBS World channels to inform subscribers about when the channels have their last-day free-to-air and which groups they will be in respectively.
The e-mail would inform new subscribers that credit charges would appear on the subscriber's credit card statement as the name "ADSOFT" to avoid detection, and would include a charge of $79.99.
Does it intend to prohibit software suppliers from installing listening software in mobile telephony companies without the prior authorisation of national authorities and without informing subscribers?
The University of Michigan struck a cautionary note today when it informed subscribers to its consumer survey that confidence had eased in March to a reading of 91.5 in its overall index, from 93.2 in February.
In consumer protection, magazine publishers seeking renewals are now required to inform subscribers when their subscriptions actually run out, and the financial details of co-op sales will now be made public.