An informal assessment of the pilot revealed that the funding formula money precipitated an increase in community donations.
Besides, this was an informal preliminary assessment.
Formal and informal assessments help students to know how well they are doing.
Admission into Reception and Year 1 is on the basis of informal assessment consisting of a play session and a focus activity.
Formal and informal assessments are an important part of understanding and providing for a student's needs.
To facilitate the evaluation process, peer reviews and informal assessments of promising candidates are solicited from leading scholars around the country and the world.
However, whether focused tests or informal assessment is used, judgement must always be a factor in deciding on mastery at a particular point in time.
The Commission should speed up the provision of informal legal assessments to the centres on request.
Four informal assessments are held in an academic year so that primary children are not burdened with the thought of tests and examinations.
Admission to the school is by informal assessment, interview, and report from the child's previous school where appropriate.