With the growth in online information and the perceived threat to jobs, informal links had begun to be made between individual librarians.
"The C.E.O. is hamstrung until he knows the informal links."
There is a private day nursery located within the playground which has an informal link with the school.
Taiwan has been most successful in cultivating informal links, and there seems little prospect that any major country would transfer recognition to Taipei from Beijing.
In practice the line between formal and informal links was blurred, and relations generally were established without much difficulty.
It's more likely that there were a number of operations that had informal links with one another.
Towards the end of 1987, Ministers decided that the informal links between the three departments should be strengthened and put onto a more systematic basis.
Retired faculty may retain formal or informal links with their university, such as library privileges or office space.
Though independent minyanim indeed operate independently and share no formal "movement" structure, there are strong informal links between these communities in different cities.
Although not officially connected, the High School has some informal links with Birkdale, a nearby independent boys' school.