After informally advising the company for several years, General Clark became its chairman in April.
"One of Gore's real deficits, in terms of public image, is the leadership question," said a Democratic strategist who informally advises the Gore campaign.
He continues to informally advise many groups today, also at no charge.
Marks informally advised Wilbur from 1924 until 1927.
She has been informally advising Mr. Jackson in recent months.
In mid-2004, entrepreneur Sean Parker, who had been informally advising Zuckerberg, became the company's president.
Investment bankers are informally advising the companies, but none have been retained by Pearson to pursue a deal.
McNally informally advises officials on energy market trends and developments.
He was now able to influence research policy in the United States at the highest level, and could informally advise the government on scientific matters.