The information given on allophones constitutes a basic description, not exception-free laws.
The information provided by no means constitutes legal advice and should not be a substitute for advice of counsel.
This information is provided as a resource and does not constitute an endorsement for any group.
Omission of, or incorrect information regarding, a written agency relationship also constitutes a major error.
But so far, it seems you agree that information constitutes identity.
Inaccurate or incomplete information on the form may constitute just cause for an adverse personnel action.
The Defendants argued that the information concerned, on their computerised systems did not constitute records until they were printed out.
This information has significant educational benefits and constitutes the building blocks for later art historical research.
This information does not constitute new evidence of potential adverse effects from the Monsanto soya beans.
The information given in the 'notification of results' concerning a candidate's result constitutes a record of performance.