This additional information does not fall within the 350 word restriction.
"But the concern," he said, "is that there should be clear guidance on what information would fall into this category."
The information in her head must not fall into enemy hands.
After all, if that information falls into the wrong hands, it can lead to fraud or identity theft.
"If this information falls into the hands of the heirs, we'll be destroyed."
If this information falls into the wrong hands, it could put them at risk for identity theft.
Does the risk include the fact that the information, despite guarantees of confidentiality, can fall into the wrong hands?
If that information fell into anyone else's hands, centuries of hard work and security would be undone.
That when the medical information fell into their hands, they saw something they couldn't resist.
If information falls within a qualified exemption, it must be subject to a public interest test.