So this is a key aspect of this, that personal information doesn't even reside on the user's computer.
You are bring redirected to the Youth section where all the information you are seeking now resides.
However, the advantage of the Science Accelerator search technology is that you no longer need to know where the information resides.
So long as information resides passively in printed books, the ability to use the book as a weapon is limited.
Once information resides on a networked server, outside a private hard drive, anyone with a password can gain access.
But the approach, critics say, risks confusing users about where information actually resides - a potential computer security hazard for private data.
In this model, the information resides in the virtual field associated with the dynamics of the cellular matter.
"I thought, wouldn't it be great if this information resided on the Internet?"
All the information of the system resides here.
Unlike the Library of Congress, however, this information does not reside in a single place.