The extent to which information seekers sense resonance with a review may depend on the nature of the review.
These information seekers are not opening a newspaper over morning coffee.
This program continues to promote programs whose ultimate goal is to create a more user-friendly and integrated environment for information seekers throughout Europe.
Checking information seekers assess the host in order to ascertain trustworthiness.
Bernier does not, however, differentiate author's subjects from those of the information seeker.
During the fifth stage, collection, the information seeker knows what is needed to support the focus.
Now presented with a clearly focused, personalized topic, the information seeker will experience greater interest, increased confidence, and more successful searching.
Now the information seeker will summarize and report on the information that was found through the process.
The theory argues that the provider goes through similar evaluation and decision phases as the information seeker.
But information seekers did not rate the press, unlike television, particularly highly for providing information.