The increasing use of technology for an information-based economy contributed to downsizing and job barriers.
But a country with an information-based economy cannot afford unreliable supplies of electricity.
The ultimate goal is to help Taiwan make a smooth transition to an information-based economy.
In the emerging information-based economy, Americans need access to knowledge and learning across a lifetime.
In our information-based economy, high school is little more than a resume-building exercise for college.
The rise of an information-based economy was led by major research in highly sophisticated technology, such as advanced computers.
It results from competitive pressures to ready children for survival in an information-based economy.
That will be important in a time of content production and an information-based economy.
Moreover, the information-based economy is an issue connected with that very thing, information.
With priorities like that, it's not difficult to see who is going to get ahead in the information-based economy of the future.