The modern facility continues to meet the changing informational needs of the community.
Among other things, the law requires television stations to show that they have addressed the "educational and informational" needs of children.
Often people join groups in order to fulfill certain survival, interpersonal, informational and collective needs.
Some researchers have found that indirect cues signaling informational and emotional needs are far more common from patients than direct requests for information or support.
The Internet is not the solution to our country's educational and informational needs.
It would also encourage competition by making the "educational and informational needs of children" a factor in licensing.
Core programs are designed to serve the educational and informational needs of children (ages 16 and under).
It requires stations to provide programming that serves "the educational and informational needs of children."
Or the informational needs of the American public, for that matter?
"It should be designed so that a single telephone call satisfies the practitioner's informational needs," the report said.