The Temple also makes available to members a variety of informational resources for individual reference as desired.
Internet portal was created in 2002, as informational resource of cultural life.
Provides informational and educational resources to promote the understanding of cross-dressing.
This informational resource will give you all the information needed to apply for an internship in our office.
They provide guidelines for meeting these criteria and offer informational resources that are designed to help community leaders accumulate local support.
The Service is an informational resource designed to assist licensed healthcare practitioners in caring for their patients and provide consumers with drug specific information.
Resources other than the legal/constitutional and financial are built into the model: for example, political, informational and implementational resources.
They do, however, have organizational and informational resources aplenty (Rhodes, 1988, p. 171).
Provided below are a list of services, agencies, and informational resources for veterans.
Libraries must continue to provide free access to the educational and informational resources New Yorkers need.