For his coverage, he was subsequently charged with providing "informational support to terrorism" and forced to leave the country that had long been his primary "beat".
In September, the government formally charged Bukharbaeva and other journalists who had reported on the massacre with providing "informational support to terrorism".
The main task of the Institute was to organize the informational support of basic science by centralizing the analysis, searching, and processing of information.
Many people who use online support groups are simply seeking informational support.
They can provide: functional support (tangible help such as money, services); informational support (advice, knowledge); and emotional support.
Besides, the organization provides informational and logistical support for the concerts of Ukrainian musicians in Germany.
This source invites everyone to take part in informational support of RFE for visitors, travellers and businessmen.
Social support groups can be a source of informational support, by providing valuable educational information, and emotional support, including encouragement from people experiencing similar circumstances.
It runs a contest for new writers and provides informational support for the Noma Prize.
The state charged these journalists in absentia with "providing "informational support to terrorism".