I look forward to other informative documentaries about Facebook and Social Media in general.
Mondo Macabro has managed to find a clean, uncut print of this extreme oddity and has issued it with an informative 25-minute documentary about Indonesian popular cinema.
The DVD also contains an entertaining and informative making-of documentary of Little Terrorist and is available at music and DVD shops all over India.
"The Miracle of Life" (1983) was cited as a "fascinating and informative documentary of the human reproductive process," which used "revolutionary microphotographic techniques."
GBP would eventually grow to produce a number of informative documentaries about Belize.
Al Gore was here, warmly received and celebrity-spotted at a few parties; Ralph Nader, meanwhile, was the subject of a probing and informative documentary called "An Unreasonable Man."
But not by much, as an informative and entertaining hourlong documentary, "Landowska: Uncommon Visionary," which will be broadcast tomorrow at 7 P.M. on PBS, makes clear.
Between the news bulletins TVNZ7 airs informative documentaries and current affairs shows.
This informative documentary introduces us to a number of these earnest young pop messengers, who barely have the resources to make a CD (much less mass-produce it) but have the wherewithal to organize a rap festival.
According to "Edge Codes.com," a wonderfully informative (if oddly titled) new documentary, what was true for Welles's cinema is true for the medium as a whole.