When Parliament is not in session, these channels air general informative programs, particularly those related to effective government.
An informative and entertaining program that looks at how those outside the city live.
Every 30 minutes, on the hour and at half past the hour, there is an informative programme with the most important news of the day.
Its mission was to bring informative and educational programmes to encourage the active participation in society.
But this wonderfully lively and informative program is not an arraignment of societies old or new.
RSi offers a well balanced mixture of musical and informative programmes 24 hours a day.
For the first few years after its inception, the channel only aired educational and informative programs with news being one of the biggest draws.
It meets roughly once a month for mature, informative and fun programmes run by different committees each time.
There are, it is true, occasional informative programs presented in that intellectual ghetto on Sunday afternoons.
It is a very informative programme and shows the culture and traditions of different areas in Pakistan.