In the spirit of educating stakeholders, the CAQ developed the Guide to IFRS to help facilitate an informed discussion among interested parties.
In 1977, the diocese held a youth synod "to encourage informed discussion on religious and social issues", which eventually became the National Anglican Youth Gathering.
VUSU uses meetings to facilitate informed discussion with the aim of making decisions.
If the effects of Christian schooling can be better understood, more informed discussions can take place on the role of the Christian school sector in students' lives, families and the larger society.
Better research about the field, expanded media coverage and more informed discussion, and assisting arts groups to demonstrate just how effective they are in their communities.
To the Editor: The proliferation of material about drugs on the Internet (front page, June 20) makes me hopeful that we can finally have an informed discussion about the nation's drug policy.
The role of a newspaper on its website is therefore to encourage balanced and informed discussion and to let readers form their own opinions without overwhelming bias from third-party sources.
I am simply suggesting they deserve a more informed and balanced discussion.
Professor Kleinberg said he hoped that over time, the AOL incident would lead to "a richer, more informed discussion about what it means to create data sets that are clean and anonymized."
Nonetheless, I hope that the article will contribute to more informed discussions when bandwidth-based comparisons between different systems come up in forums like Ars's own OpenForum.