The most well known is the opcent, a small increase in the tax on cars which the provinces uses for infrastructural investments.
We are now entering a period of fiscal austerity in which it will be especially difficult to make such massive infrastructural investments.
As with all infrastructural investments in the energy sector, developing storage facilities is capital intensive.
It is announcements about such infrastructural investment which will tell us the direction of energy policy.
"The computer industry is on the verge of such infrastructural investments."
On the other hand, a substantial minority considered that infrastructural investment was a significant factor for location within an enterprise zone.
Some new enterprises have been created, infrastructural investment pursued and inner-city housing boosted.
These people need infrastructural investment so they can fend for themselves.
During the oil boom of the 1970s, Nigeria accumulated a significant foreign debt to finance major infrastructural investments.
This could be applied in a number of applications from infrastructural investment to education or military spending.