Eclipses in particular are relatively infrequent events and can be dated precisely.
The incidence of such infrequent but significant events has promoted two consequences.
In habitat, successful pollination of this species appears to be an infrequent, but not rare, event.
If there are a lot of different infrequent events, a lot of flags will be needed in one or more components.
When an infrequent event can be brought easily and vividly to mind, this heuristic overestimates its likelihood.
In addition, significant peaks may only occur rarely, such as two or three times per year, requiring significant capital investments to meet infrequent events.
The underlying reason is that rare, infrequent events are distinctive and salient and, when paired, become even more so.
There is no widespread concern for safety issues on the trails, as trespassing, theft and vandalism by trail users are relatively infrequent events.
But the sales of private parcels from estates or the subdividing of expansive properties have been infrequent events.
Negotiating about standards, especially when there is some disparity between apparently similar dischargers, though an infrequent event, can be one of the field man's trickiest tasks.