The infuriating thing was that it wasn't even a contest.
We just don't know-that is one of the infuriating things about this case.
This is because, unlike most infuriating things in the city, there are nearly always good intentions behind every barricade.
And the infuriating thing was, I'm sure that horrible man believed me long before he admitted it.
But it was an infuriating thing to have happen.
"There was never an apology, which was probably the most infuriating thing of all," he said.
The infuriating thing is that when I phoned last week they said contracts were being let, and work ought to start any day.
THE most infuriating thing about men was that they were both predictable and impossible.
The infuriating thing is , that they are able to convince so many people of this lie.
And the infuriating thing was that their disapproval mattered to her.