Dolphins have an ingenious adaptation to cope with eating under water.
This ingenious adaptation has only the two men - Tony Chiroldes Carbia and Jorge B. Merced - telling the story, but in a rapid-fire Spanish that seems arranged into musical phrases.
In the ingenious musical adaptation of "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" in the 1980's, the audience chose the murderer by voting.
The wickedest wit in town can be found in "Naked Lunch," David Cronenberg's ingenious adaptation of William S. Burroughs's utterly film-resistant novel.
Particularly in places where Roman Catholic colonialists met native and African cultures, carnival is a piquant, living memory of past frictions and ingenious adaptations.
(sung by the computer, HAL 9000) and an ingenious adaptation of the movie's theme song, "Also Sprach Zarathustra," now titled "Spracha-Zara-What?"
Once more in search of ingenious adaptations to bizarre conditions, the neurological explorer visits the Pacific in search of populations with runaway frequencies of color-blindness and parkinsonism.
Take Chino Latino for instance, an ingenious adaptation of a Chinese egg roll.
His designs have a collective resemblance in their ingenious adaptation to site and prospect, their logical but often dramatic internal planning, and their willingness to use curved forms on plan.