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A historian untangles the perverse and ingenious arguments of those who say there was no Holocaust.
An entire postindustrial folklore had sprung up around this enthralling concept, buttressed with ingenious arguments.
I found this argument moderately ingenious, like Archelaus himself.
The antigod faction found ingenious arguments to explain how merely human pranksters could have accomplished the feat after all.
- the solution depends on how willing one is to accept ingenious arguments and circumstantial evidence.
He sought to show by ingenious argument that it must be false because he could find thought experiments which circumvented it.
Davidson makes what even his opponents have called an "ingenious" argument for his version of non-reductive physicalism.
This ingenious argument seemed to produce some effect upon Marama, but to the priests it did not at all appeal.
This is an ingenious argument which made everyone think of what the real and guiding principle underlying the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.
The paddle-steamers, like all obsolete things, had their champions, who supported them by ingenious arguments.