Brook tells of an ingenious experiment to show what audience assistance entails (1968: 27-9).
Now consider an ingenious experiment which almost forces us to suppose that an animal has a cognitive map.
In order to verify the existence of such sensitivity, Brown devised a series of ingenious experiments.
Baumeister's ingenious experiments, enlivened with Tierney's vignettes from history and technology, show you how.
Answer: about forty years after my ingenious experiments.
But they are the results of ingenious experiments: attempts to show that living creatures really are just like well-oiled machines.
In the 19th century, however, botanists discovered that growth processes in the plant were involved, and conducted increasingly ingenious experiments.
Much of its charm owes to an ingenious technological experiment.
An ingenious experiment by Beattie and Bradbury (1979) suggests that it is.
Some of the best moments are furnished by his descriptions of the ingenious experiments to determine whether fruit flies could learn.