In 2006 an English botanist named Andrew Goldsworthy came up with an ingenious explanation of why plants reacted positively to electrical current.
Observations and calculations were repeated, and ingenious theoretical explanations were suggested; but the truth remained completely hidden.
I am sure you have some ingenious explanation for this senseless attack on my mother, too.
However, the issue is settled by positive evidence not by ingenious explanation of the failure to confirm the idea.
That's a very ingenious explanation.
This ingenious explanation for the existence of interest also demonstrates that interest is simply an aspect of property within the regime of private law.
It would take an even more ingenious explanation to account for it than that he had given about the shoes.
A Soviet baseball writer gave an ingenious explanation to his red-blooded compatriots about why Russian athletes have taken up the American national pastime.
An ingenious explanation.
"And I suppose you have some wonderfully ingenious explanation of how you killed these fiends?"