Some free-flying types use an adapted airfoil that is stable, or other ingenious mechanisms including, most recently, electronic artificial stability.
His innovations included plans for an ingenious mechanism to supply wood and water to the boiler itself on a constant basis.
The rooms provide openings in the side walls and in the ceiling, through doors, thanks to an ingenious mechanism.
They assume that once our ancestors had stumbled upon the appropriate ingenious mechanism for linking sounds with meanings, language automatically evolved and changed.
He showed me how to fold up the ingenious mechanism of the daytime armchairs and slide them under a bed which pulled out from the wall.
How a mechanism so intricate and ingenious evolved out of blind matter.
Herasymenko developed an ingenious mechanism which rapidly and easily retuned the instrument.
Many ingenious mechanisms were invented to effect this automatically, mostly based on solenoids.
The bell would be rung by an ingenious mechanism powered by the tide.
In principle, the zones are an ingenious mechanism for global wealth redistribution.