The central movement (of three) is a highly ingenious set of variations, which are grouped to suggest the characters of slow movement and scherzo.
Jose Maria Francos created the lighting and the ingenious set.
Scott Bradley's ingenious set contributes to this impression.
Just after we left Christchurch, a section of shopping mall was reopened in an ingenious set of shipping containers re-engineered as temporary shops.
Thomas Munn designed the ingenious sets and Donna Granata created the costumes.
Takeshi Miyakawa's ingenious and beautiful set suggests a sandy enclosure, but the sea seems visible beyond.
Mr. Walton's ingenious sets portray this world in a series of luminescent cartoon tableaux that interweave history and romance.
The solo was an ingenious set of variations on the theme of puzzlement and its hero was eternally lost in confusion.
Matthew Katz designed the ingenious set.
This scintillating performance was a reminder of what an inspired short piece this is, basically an ingenious set of variations on a bumptious tune.