It is here that the ingenious suggestion of Finsinger and Vogelsang (1981) comes in, to provide what might be called an almost ideal constraint.
Both cities have sought ways to draw people to the river's edge, but a habitable bridge is one of the more ingenious suggestions.
The young man had an extraordinary knowledge of the north Cambodian tribes and came up with ingenious suggestions as to how to implement religious symbols in initial contacts.
From his point of view a timely and ingenious suggestion.
It's an ingenious suggestion, Vic.
Nu advanced the ingenious suggestion that instead of the existing Commonwealth structure there should be a federation of Socialist states.
The Goban Saor made several ingenious suggestions.
Necessity, they say, is mother of invention, but fear, too, is not barren of ingenious suggestions.
Cryptographers have supplied us with at least fifty equally ingenious suggestions, which makes all fifty equally suspect.
It would surely be sufficient to present an ingenious suggestion that would make spontaneous mental freeze-out plausible to the general public.