The human inhabitants appeared to live in a pattern that mimicked the placid nature of their environment.
However, the inhabitants appeared friendly and confirmed the old woman's statement.
Its inhabitants appeared to fly through the crystal medium rather than swim.
The inhabitants, who were presumably new to the house, appeared to be in the middle of unpacking.
Unlike most mountain people, the inhabitants of the Andes appear to have been generally unwarlike.
At the very least, it explains why the inhabitants appear to squint.
It was a gorgeous place, the only inhabitants of which appeared to be birds and insects.
In turn, the island's local inhabitants, a group of pirates, appear and promptly capture all of them.
In hiding themselves away from the sun within domed cities on the ocean floor, the inhabitants appear to have lost all sense of joy.
In 1793 the first inhabitants appeared and in 1800 the first chapel was built.