On the whole, the inhabitants of Darkover are not particularly religious and do not celebrate any obvious religious rituals.
The inhabitants of the castle celebrate, only to be chastised by Van Zan, who lost three men in the hunt.
Its 185 inhabitants have just celebrated the bicentennial anniversary of their famous product.
The earth warms, and its inhabitants celebrate.
The film ends with the inhabitants of the North Pole celebrating the triumph with a joyous dance party.
The inhabitants of a Swiss village celebrate the arrival of their "angel", who arrived a year ago and has helped them ever since.
Following the cancellation of their Carnival celebrations, the city's inhabitants celebrated a micareta at a later date.
The inhabitants of the town celebrate their Turkish origins every year in the summer with a carnival parade.
The second celebration is a party which all Latacunga's inhabitants celebrate every year on Independence Day.
At that time the inhabitants had just celebrated the 900th anniversary of their village.