In Guadeloupe, from October 1865 to June 1866, 12,000 inhabitants perished.
In the first outbreak about a third of the town's then 700 inhabitants perished and in the second 300 of a population of 1000.
After a flood, the flowers are destroyed and without it, the inhabitants including Marshall's countryman perish.
At some point a fire broke out, possibly caused by a lightning strike, and all the inhabitants perished as the house burned to the ground.
Many inhabitants, including the 7,000 residents of the town's Jewish ghetto, perished in the war.
The inhabitants must perish with cold under both your poles, and be scorched to death under the equator.
All the inhabitants perished without a trace, and the city was obscured from view except for a few building fragments projecting from the sea.
How many inhabitants perished on land and in sea is unknown.
This news had not reached the media, since the inhabitants had perished.
Indeed, it was very probable that the only inhabitant of the island had perished.