From the late 19th century onwards, many inhabitants also sought livelihoods in the nearby Saar coalfields.
The contemporary record does not mention the castle, and instead notes Warkworth's inhabitants sought refuge in the church.
On the night of the 14th, the inhabitants were still seeking crannies for sleep.
These holidays originate around the year 1650, when local inhabitants sought permission to celebrate an annual holiday in honor of their patron saint.
The inhabitants seek answers from their ancestors to discover the cause of this worldwide awakening.
Former inhabitants light candles at the sight of their former homes, but must seek permission to do so.
These areas were rich in plants and animals that prehistoric inhabitants sought for food.
Many inhabitants sought refuge in Mexico and the United States.
Many inhabitants now seek employment in larger cities or even in other countries.
At this time, the inhabitants of the area seek the help of Fereydun.