In addition to his arguments about the inherent inferiority and criminality of blacks, Mr. Levin has called for separate subway cars for young black men, as reported by Newsday.
Gardener began working with neurologist Edward C. Spitzka to refute Hammond's thesis of inherent inferiority of the female brain.
The connection, Mr. Franklin observed, "between the claims of the inherent inferiority of blacks and the needs of the slaveowners for an ample supply of simple, docile labor would be permanent and inextricable."
The rabble were always quick to blame their betters for their own inherent inferiority and quick to vent their resentment in violence when the opportunity arose.
Professor Levin makes the indefensible case that blacks are underrepresented in professional positions in society, not because of society's "discrimination" but because of inherent mental inferiority.
The Victorian belief in the inherent inferiority of the 'darker races', made them the object of a civilising impulse in the European Scramble for Africa.
Instead of explaining the marginalized status of people of color in the United States with an inherent biological inferiority, he instead said that it was a failure to assimilate into American culture that held people back.
She points to physicians (Philippe Hecquet) and theologians (Nigon de Berty) alike who attributed the convulsions to female hysteria, sexual frustration and menstrual irregularities, as well as woman's inherent moral inferiority.
He tells another Northerners view of the southerners "inherent racial inferiority".
In many ways, that sense of inherent inferiority, by birth, at least, explained a great deal of the ambition which had driven her so far in her quest for political power.