Following the doctor's death in 1794, she inherited his vast collection of wax models and spent the next 33 years travelling around Europe.
I had inherited Rodolfo's collection of the best Western jazz, and she enjoyed them.
He has three grown daughters from a former marriage, and he expects that they will inherit his collection.
Gems were one thing Luna had in quantity, both enchanted and mundane; she had inherited the Magician's collection.
When she died childless in 1682, he inherited her collection of Vermeer paintings and other works of art.
When he died childless before her she inherited his residuary collection.
He inherited his father's sizable collection of automotive advertising and literature, which spans the industry's first 60 years.
When he died of tuberculosis in 1941, Watanabe inherited his older brother's large collection of movie memorabilia, including film scripts and magazines.
When he died, Elizabeth Taylor inherited his collection of Johns and occasionally added to it.
His landlady inherited his residual collection and he was interred in a then unmarked grave in the northern cemetery.