They also say that by inhibiting discussion of the genocide at all, the government may once again be stoking resentment in the majority Hutu population.
The Academy argues that this would inhibit free discussion, particularly on the part of scientists who might receive financing from an agency being criticized.
I am worried about the guillotine motion and the extent to which it will inhibit discussion on important matters later.
So whatever their worries, there is no appetite to discuss the monarchy, nor to tinker with the law that inhibits such discussion.
The chilled atmosphere that resulted served to silence dissent, inhibit democratic discussion, and move American politics toward an unresponsive, authoritarian right.
The presence of cameras would inhibit such discussion, even presuming the video would be "snippeted," if I may invent a word, to protect candor.
The bills would inhibit discussion about protection and would limit the ability of teachers to create the type of classroom environment needed for understanding risks and making decisions.
The racial and ethnic component of this change inhibited open discussion in the 1960's and 70's.
Arguments by his supporters that such writings should be taken lightly because to do otherwise would inhibit scholarly discussion were brushed aside by his liberal opponents.
The setting might inhibit open discussion of risk (e.g., some outreach settings are not private).